Product Overview

Get The Most From Teams With Great Governance

The value of good operational governance in Microsoft Teams is not to be underestimated. You need to ensure users have access to the powerful features of the platform, while also having mechanisms for keeping risks in check. We consider not just security risks but also risks to efficiency and strong platform adoption. 

Good Governance - Packaged

Resonate provide ready to use white-labelled governance packs as starting points for the particular needs of your organisation. Our Teams experts then work with you to ensure all operational eventualities are covered, alongside the basics. We look at things like:

  • Ensuring you have a Team and Channel Structure that works for you
  • Creating Team Templates
  • Implement Naming Conventions to prevent duplicate Teams
  • Providing the correct controls around Team Creation to ensure you drive the right balance of efficiency, compliance and productivity
  • Teams Lifecycle
  • Managing Access and Ownership including Guest Access
  • Policy Review
  • Identifying and integrating Approved Apps
  • Content Management and Structure
  • Data Security
  • Feature Release and Management


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